DEEPMAIL 2024-01-05T11:56:51+08:00


Product Name: Oligosaccharins 3% + Kasugamycin 7% SL

PD Number: PD20211954

Scope and method of application:

Crops Targets Dosage Method
Cucumber Angular Leaf Spot 0.45-0.525 L/ha Spray
Label (Chinese)

Product Features:

  1. Patent Process: Boiling-Warm Ketone Process, with stable and reliable control of bacterial crop diseases.
  2. Additive Enhancement: Additives derived from leguminous plants, ensuring even spread of the solution and comprehensive crop absorption.
  3. Pure Raw Materials: Multiple-process refinement of raw materials, ultra-high activity, timely damage control, ensuring safety for common crops at various growth stages.
  4. Three-Dimensional Control: Spraying, drip irrigation, and aerial spraying are employed for three-dimensional control. Internal absorption and conduction leave no blind spots, effectively eliminating common bacteria and soil-borne diseases.
  5. Safe Usage: No adverse effects on crops during flowering, tender leaves, and young fruit stages. Low toxicity to fish, bees, and earthworms.

Application Method:

Crops Targets Dosage Method
Cucumber Bacterial angular leaf spot 1000-1500 times Spray
Tomato Canker 1000-1500 times Spray
Ginger Ginger blast 1000-1500 times Spray
Tobacco Virus disease 1000-1500 times Spray
Chili Bacterial wilt 1000-1500 times Spray
Leafy vegetables Soft rot 1000-1500 times Spray


  1. For controlling tomato and chili bacterial wilt, before transplanting, soak the roots in a 1000 times dilution solution. Around 15 days after transplantation, irrigate or drench the roots with a 1500 times dilution. In the presence of the disease, depending on the severity, apply two rounds of root irrigation at a 500 times dilution, with a 7-10 day interval. Focus on intensive root irrigation within a 1-meter radius around diseased plants.
  2. To prevent ginger blast, before planting, soak the ginger seeds in a 1000 times dilution solution. Approximately 15 days after transplantation, irrigate or drench the roots with a 1500 times dilution. In the presence of the disease, depending on the severity, apply 1-2 rounds of root irrigation at a 500 times dilution.
  3. For preventing various bacterial diseases on leaves, follow the recommended dosage. Spray the foliage 1-2 times before or at the initial appearance of scattered disease spots. Depending on weather conditions and disease development, spray at intervals of 7-10 days.
  4. For controlling diseases other than bacteria, consider adding DEEPMAIL at a dilution of 1500-2000 times to enhance the efficacy of other products.


  1. Use this product with caution on soybeans and lotus roots.